
“Despite their descent from wolves and classification as Carnivora, dogs are variously described in scholarly and other writings as carnivores or omnivores. Unlike obligate carnivores, such as the cat family with its shorter smallintestine, dogs can adapt to a wide-ranging diet, and are not dependent on meat-specific protein nor a very high level of protein in order to fulfill their basic dietary requirements. Dogs will healthily digest a variety of foods, including vegetables and grains, and can consume a large proportion of these in their diet. Compared to their wolf ancestors, dogs have adaptations in genes involved in starch digestion that contribute to an increased ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet.”

Dear Friends,

we have the pleasure to introduce you to our blog VEGAN RECIPES FOR DOGS, the first English and Italian blog of vegan recipes for our four-legged friends.

It is a women project run by us, Alex & Ilaria, vegans, animal rights defenders, activists, anti-speciesists for almost two decades.

Nowadays, people who give up meat for ethical, health-conscious or environmental resons, are no longer a marginal phenomenon considered extreme.

From this comes the need to increase information about the vegan diet for dogs. The goal of our blog is to educate people interested to a cruelty-free diet for our dog friends. The home cooking, you know, is the best one, and not just for us. If balanced and prepared respecting those that are the food and nutritional needs of the dog, taking into account also the foods that are harmful for them, the vegan diet is an extremely powerful and healty diet. In short, nothing different than what we apply to ourselves when we decide to become vegans or vegetarians. Nobody wants to get hurt or harm!

We are committed to provide information on proper vegan canine diet, starting from our personal 20 years experience of vegan, healthy and happy dogs! So friends, following an old saying: WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!

For vegans and vegetarians, food is a fundamental life point: we carefully choose cruelty-free products and brands. We are careful in order to eat properly and healthy. We take the same care also about our animal friends, mostly rescued from horrible situations. We have an eye more than those who, instead, open a can or pour a bowl of meat based dry food per day and that’s it! The time we give them is LOVE!

We offer vegan recipes, nutritional advices, natural remedies and answers to the most common doubts. We urge you to cook for them! All recipes posted are created by us and they reflect the idea of ​​balance, taste and easy preparation.

Our kitchen is also born from our opposition to industrial foods, such as canned and dry food. Obviously we are not talking about brands of vegan and vegetarian pet food, that fortunately respond to an ethical need. It is important that everyone knows that the vivisection is also hidden behind the industry of pet food. Millions of animals die so that our furry friends can eat a disgusting  canned paté and dry food made from scraps of slaughter and chemical additives.

Cooking for our dogs is a gesture of Real Love and does not even require a big commitment, but yes, it requires desire and willingness. It certainly costs less than buying commercial food.


5 responses »

  1. Thank you so much for your blog! I’m always running out of ideas as to what to cook for my two little vegan dogs so I’m super happy to have found your site 🙂


  2. Hello! So happy to find your blog! Me and my husband are in progress of veganising our little pooch. Although not completely ready yet, this will give us plenty of recipe ideas as i can see!
    Thank you so much, very glad these kind of blogs exist! ❤

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