Tag Archives: dog meal

Dehydrated Chorizo Soya with Potatoes




– Soy chorizo
– Potatoes

– Cut a potato into thin slices.
– Add the potatoes to the dehydrated soy chorizo ​​and put everything in a pan with just enough water to rehydrate.
– Warm up for about 5 minutes.
– Allow it to cool and serve!

Soy is rich in protein but no fat. It is an excellent and tasty vegan food for a canine and human diet.

Tips: you can use any type of soy, plain or with various flavors.




Forbidden Food: Grapes & Raisins


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Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs.

Although it remains a mystery what is the element causing the toxicity. Studies reveal that ingestion of small amounts of these elements can be fatal for our friends. In fact, they can cause serious kidney failures.

Unfortunately dogs are greedy and if they ingest and manifest vomiting and / or diarrhea with pieces of grapes (after 24 hours), loss of appetite, abdominal pain and kidney failure, go to the doctor immediately!

Do not give them grapes and raisins, we can not take the risk of losing our faithful companion for a grape.

Keep it in the house where they cannot reach it and, if claiming a snack, give them an apple (without its poisonous seeds).

Pumpkin Cream



Zuppa di Carote_02

Olive oil


– Cut the pumpkin in half and wipe off all the seeds.
– Cut it into chunks and put it to boil until it softens.
– When it is ready, drain and, with a spoon, take out the pulp and put it in a blender with a little bit of water.
– Blend it ’till it’s creamy.
– Let cool and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and a few basil leaves.
– You can add some toasted bread.

If, like us, you prepare it for the whole family, remember to add salt only to the dishes of humans, therefore, at the end of the process.

Bean Risotto



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• Rice
• Beans
• Zucchini
• Olive or Seeds Oil

• Overcook the rice and wash it well. Add it to the beans that you have pre-cooked. We use fresh beans that we leave to soak the day before and cook for about an hour.  You can use the ones in cans, ready to be used and more practical.
• Wash and cut into pieces a couple of zucchini.
• Mix all ingredients in the pan.
• Let it cool down and serve!

Chamomile: natural benefits



Chamomile in herbal medicine is considered a medicinal plant. It can be found in sachets or rather fresh in herbal medicine.

This plant has a natural soothing and anti-inflammatory function.

If our furry friends are suffering from conjunctivitis or have watery eyes, we can use chamomile at natural temperature, neither hot nor cold.

Dip a cloth of pure cotton or gauze in chamomile and pass it gently on the eyes of dog, also use a couple of drops as eye drops.

It is a natural remedy, it does not burn, it does not have harmful effects,  it is inexpensive and it is very easy to use! Administer a couple of times a day and you will see that shortly their eyes will get better and cure.

Chamomile has a magical effect on our friend’s skin as well. If they are suffering from dermatitis, or  they have the itch as our Milka, you can give them a bath with warm chamomile .

Firstly, wash your dog with a natural soap: olive oil and oats are a fantastic combination that you can find in any herbal shop, and, finally, when the dog is already clean, a bit like a conditioner, give a final rinse with warm chamomile and pat dry with a towel.

You will help the skin to heal from irritation and regenerate. Our little Milka improved quickly with this remedy: her sore skin healed, the itching has gone and the hair become more brilliant and soft!

Like all natural remedies, effects are not immediate, but they are not toxic to the body and they really help to sort out the problem.





  • Mashed Beans
  • Corn Flour
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Oats
  • Olive Oil


  • Mix a few tablespoons of mashed beans with corn flour and bread crumbs as required.
  • When the consistency permits, shape several small burgers and pass them on the bread crumbs.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for a few minutes, wet the baking dish with olive oil. Turn them so that you cook both sides.
  • When they are lightly browned, take them out of the oven and serve with vegetables.
  • Garnish with oats and a few drops of olive oil to raw.

We used smashed beans but you can also use other vegetables cooked and blended. For example chickpeas or lentils.
The corn flour can be replaced with normal flour, it helps to mix and make the mixture more compact. The result is a fun and delicious meal for your furry friends…and for you, if you wish!

Olive Oil



It’s beneficial to the hair, dermis and intestinal transit.

The extra virgin olive oil (EVO) is one of the fundamental ingredients of Mediterranean cuisine. It is recommended both for human beings and for dogs. Dog’s hair is nice if properly cleaned and brushed and some olive oil helps a lot. Just a teaspoon – but the amount depends on the size of the dog – of oil mixed with food, is the perfect treat for our friends to maintain a beautiful shiny coat.

Olive oil can be administered daily or on alternate days. Unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil are also good for the dog’s skin, but call your vet if you suspect that there is a dermatological problem. An additional benefit that pour dog can enjoy from olive oil is a help in case of constipation, but be careful because if the amount of olive oil gets too high you may run into the opposite problem, or diarrhea.




This cute fruit is rich in substances that are very important for the immune system of our furry friends, such as vitamin A, C, E, iron, magnesium.

Especially in winter season, therefore, we recommend you to cook for all the family some good dishes made with pumpkin!

It is also a food that helps their digestion and intestinal transit thanks to the fiber present in the fruit. Pumpkins is a natural remedy in case of constipation or diarrhoea.

Pumpkin gets also antioxidant properties and naturally helps to keep the urinary tract clean.
You will notice, therefore, that after eating pumpkin your friends have to pee one more time.

Do not exceed, as a general rule, dosis have to be always be balanced.

You can prepare it steamed, boiled, mashed, baked, in risotto, be creative!

Important: Always remove the seeds

Vegetables Soup




  • Carrot
  • Courgette
  • Corn
  • Beetroot
  • Radishes
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Small pasta for soup


  • Clean and cut the veggies. No onions!
  • Put them in a pan and cover with water. Light the fire and let them cook.
  • When vegetables are almost ready, add the pasta. No salt!
  • When everything is cooked, let it cool down and serve!

We use to prepare this soup for all of us, humans and dogs. What is important is not to use onion, salt, pepper and none of the harmful ingredients for dogs. You can salt to your dish once served.

If you prefer, you can use noodles, rice, cereals instead of pasta. Be creative!

A Natural Remedy for Dogs suffering from Motion Sickness: Gingerbread Cookies


zenzero biscotto

Gingerbread cookies and ginger are a great natural remedy for four-legged friends who suffer from motion sickness. Moreover they are a great Christmas treat idea 😉

Gingerbread Biscuits


  • 250 gr of flour or organic flour
  • 45 gr Olive Oil
  • A teaspoon of minced fresh ginger
  • Half a glass of soy milk or other vegetable milk


  • Sift the flour and add the ginger. Add the oil and milk little by little.
  • Knead until mixture is smooth and compact.
  • If necessary, add more milk or flour.
  • Once ready, wrap in cling film and let rest in the fridge for half an hour.
  • After this time, roll out the dough with a rolling pin about half a centimeter thick, helping with a sprinkling of flour to prevent the dough from sticking.
  • Let’s shape the cookies.
  • Place them on a baking sheet and cook for about 20 min (oven heated to 180°) until they have taken a nice golden color.

Facts: ginger is a natural remedy for nausea.