Tag Archives: Fruit

Raw Fruit Salad



Dear friends, here it is a simple and delicious idea for a light meal or an energy snack!


  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Mandarin
  • Cucumber


  • Cut the fruit into cubes.
  • Eliminate the apple’s seeds which contain cyanide.
  • Mix well and serve!

Suitable for a delicious and nutritious snack, this is a simple recipe, but rich in vitamins and very refreshing.

Sometimes simple things are the ones that we do not think about 🙂

Forbidden Food: Avocado



Even if the guacamole is delicious, never give Avocado to your furry friends.

In fact, it contains a substance called Persin which is toxic to the dog, while it is not for the human being, except for allergies.

The Persin is in the fruit, leaves, seeds and bark so beware! If a Avocado plant is growing in your garden or near the house, keep your dog away.

When you have avocados at home, keep them up high or out of reach of hairy tenants.