Tag Archives: Home

Raw Fruit Salad



Dear friends, here it is a simple and delicious idea for a light meal or an energy snack!


  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Mandarin
  • Cucumber


  • Cut the fruit into cubes.
  • Eliminate the apple’s seeds which contain cyanide.
  • Mix well and serve!

Suitable for a delicious and nutritious snack, this is a simple recipe, but rich in vitamins and very refreshing.

Sometimes simple things are the ones that we do not think about 🙂

Forbidden Food: Chocolate


Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies_con firma

Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine that neither dogs or cats can metabolise.

This toxic component accumulates in the blood causing serious systemic effects. The symptoms of intoxication occur rapidly, in a few hours, and include vomiting, diarrhoea, hyperactivity, tachycardia, tremors, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma and death in severe cases.

So, no exception! No chocolate or any cocoa based product for our pets! We have to resist to their eyes, they do not know that it is toxic and we have a duty to protect them.

Actually, for us it is great news, so that we can keep all the chocolate for ourselves! But we tend to eat it hidden from them to avoid their begging eyes!

Vegetables Soup




  • Carrot
  • Courgette
  • Corn
  • Beetroot
  • Radishes
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Small pasta for soup


  • Clean and cut the veggies. No onions!
  • Put them in a pan and cover with water. Light the fire and let them cook.
  • When vegetables are almost ready, add the pasta. No salt!
  • When everything is cooked, let it cool down and serve!

We use to prepare this soup for all of us, humans and dogs. What is important is not to use onion, salt, pepper and none of the harmful ingredients for dogs. You can salt to your dish once served.

If you prefer, you can use noodles, rice, cereals instead of pasta. Be creative!

Forbidden Food: Onions and Cabbages



Onions, including powder onion, and all varieties of cabbage are extremely harmful to dogs. They contain the n-propyl disulfide , a substance that destroys the red blood cells circulating , thus causing anemia, which can result in some cases to be fatal. The symptoms are vomit, diarrhea, and dark colored urine. They normally appear from 1 to 4 days after the ingestion of even small amounts of onion or any cabbage. As cabbages we refer to all varieties: cauliflower, broccoli, spring greens,  collard greens, kohlrabi, black cabbage, broccoli or turnip greens, savoy cabbage, brussels sprouts and chinese kale.

Forbidden Food: Green Tomatoes, Leaves and Sprouts


Pomodori_con firma

We often hear that the tomato is bad for our dogs, but it is appropriate to look better into what and why it is harmful to them.

The green part of the tomato  is toxic to dogs, the one with which it is attached to the plant, leaves, sprouts and green tomatoes. They contain a toxic substance called Solanine that dogs, unlike humans, can not metabolize.

The ingestion of large amount of Solanine can cause significant gastrointestinal problems and damage the central nervous system. It can also cause tachycardia, tremors, anxiety and restlessness. If taken in very high doses it can even be deadly.

However, the part of the plant used for human consumption, that is the ripe tomato, is not toxic.

The level of toxicity of these plants depends mainly on the composition of the soil, the temperature and the humidity degree in which they are grown.

In tomatoes Solanine content is inversely proportional to the degree of ripeness: the more they are mature, the less they contain Solanine. Cooking helps to inactivate any residual of the alkaloid.

If you want to use the tomatoes you can do it but choosing them with great care. It is better to use it rarely because it’s a little sour food so not really digestible. The thing is very simple: choose carefully the tomatoes and clean them from leaves, buds and green parts.

Sometimes we give our furry friends small pieces of ripe cooked tomato mixed with other vegetables cooked in a pan just to give that little bit of taste. The tomato sauces you can buy in the shop are very harmful because during the processing they macerate ripe and unripe tomatoes with leaves and sprouts.

So if you want to use tomato sauce to season a meal, choose a very ripe tomato, clean it well, remove the peel and chop. Do not, however, give it raw, nor often.