Tag Archives: Meat

Vegan Dogs: Common Doubts


Yellow Pepa con firma

a) Is the dog carnivorous or omnivorous?

The dog was originally fed exclusively on flesh, as today its wild relatives still continue to do so.
In assessing a situation, however, we must always take that into account otherwise you may also give the human being the club.

After 60,000 years of adjusting to life with the man and share his varied food, the dog’s diet has become omnivorous.
From the teeth, which is also evolved and adapted to the new lifestyle ‘pet’, and the digestive tract is clear that the dog is an omnivore and not a pure carnivore. The dog, in fact, derives its nutrients not only from meat, but also from all other foods.

The dog can therefore be fed according to a vegan or vegetarian diet without suffering from any physical or mental problem. In this case we can establish an important similarity between the human and the dog: both can live without meat but not without protein and that this can cause, both assume that, for example, from legumes.

There is always a great anxiety by proteins that afflicts the detractors of the vegan diet, and it is this point that leaks a general ignorance on the subject. What the dog can be drawn from animal protein are meat and taurine . This amino acid is essential for our furry friends, but the important thing is that they can produce thanks to vitamin B, the carnitine and methionine. All three are found mostly in legumes, in the germ wheat and partly in rice. here an article of PETA (among many others) that confirms this. It ‘s true that we read that some dogs may need an integration of taurine and L-carnitine, but dogs are predisposed to a heart disease problem. here article that delves into the issue.

b) They can not decide, we force them to a diet devoid of corpses?

No, the rule is the world’s oldest, according to which the parents decide for their children, for their own good. We make a decision for our dogs as we choose for our fellow men, both are members of the family. Our dogs have the right to live as long as chickens, cows, pigs, tuna and all other animals. have the right to health and a healthy diet.

c) Since the dog is an omnivorous animal, vegan or vegetarian diet for a dog is an unnatural diet?

No. The dogs as well as humans are omnivores and can follow a balanced vegetarian or vegan diet without any problem. Otherwise, friends, we would be dead two decades ago when we embraced this lifestyle!

Those who think that vegetarian or vegan diet is not natural, do you really think instead it is ‘natural’ feeding off canned and dry food made with meat from animals that ever, “in kind” could have been feeding? The wild dogs do not eat certain cows, or tuna for example.
Canned and dry food exist in nature perhaps? No! It’s all industrial food full of addictive drugs that enslave the animal. They are produced with slaughter waste “unfit for human consumption”, full of antibiotics, hormones, drugs, tumors, harmful to humans and livestock. The prohibitions of marketing for human foods do not apply to those of companion animals. Analyzes have documented that contain any type of waste from the slaughter room floor: meat of animals already dead, dying and sick. They also contain scraps of restaurants with high concentration of dangerous free radicals, heavy metals, dangerous preservatives and hormones. In addition, the possible words “plant derived” may even contain coal!
In short, we challenge anyone to eat the food your dog’s food industry thinks is fit and to share the meal with him!
here an article to shed some light.

The key point is not the type of power, but its nutritional balance.
The key thing is to nourish and nurture our furry friends in a healthy, balanced and appetizing way.

So friends, following an old saying: WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!