Tag Archives: Potato

Vegetables Soup




  • Carrot
  • Courgette
  • Corn
  • Beetroot
  • Radishes
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Small pasta for soup


  • Clean and cut the veggies. No onions!
  • Put them in a pan and cover with water. Light the fire and let them cook.
  • When vegetables are almost ready, add the pasta. No salt!
  • When everything is cooked, let it cool down and serve!

We use to prepare this soup for all of us, humans and dogs. What is important is not to use onion, salt, pepper and none of the harmful ingredients for dogs. You can salt to your dish once served.

If you prefer, you can use noodles, rice, cereals instead of pasta. Be creative!

Forbidden Food: Raw Potatoes, Leaves and Sprouts


Patate al Forno

Potato is part of Solinacee.They contain a substance called Solanine that dogs do not metabolize and can cause serious problems. If ingested in high dose, in fact, it can lead to death.

The solanine is located in the RAW potato, in LEAVES , in SHOOTS and the area below.

But do not panic: cooking, fortunately, neutralize the alkaloid!
It should, therefore be washed well, peeled and all the shoots must be removed before cooking.
Boiled potato, in fact, is particularly healthy and appreciated by our furry friends and is especially recommended for dogs with food intolerances and allergies.
If cultivated, keep your friends away from the plant.

For us too solanine is harmful. If we eat raw potatoes and feel a bitter taste it is because our body warns us of the high concentration of solanine. Our bodies immediately refuse it. Fortunately, our body is full of sensors.

Dispelling thus the dismissive phrase ‘the potato dogs no’.
Cooked potatos is an excellent food!