Tag Archives: Salt

Forbidden Food: Salt



As for humans, salt, in excess, is not healthy. Salty foods can put our friends in danger.

Unlike humans the dog’s body does not process the salt and this can easily trigger a series of negative serious consequences.

The salt, in fact, it absorbs water in the body and that is why a dog that has ingested it, will be extremely thirsty.
You will notice that your furry friend will drink more water than usual in an attempt to calm the thirst and this leads him to urinate more. The body will swell due to the stress to which the circulatory system and kidneys are subjected in order to try to process the excess of sodium.

The symptoms of intoxication by sodium are diarrhea, vomit and kidney failure which may also lead to coma and death.

Obviously if you think your dog shows similar symptoms after ingesting too much salt, take him to your vet immediately.

The lower salt consumption contributes to decrease the volume of blood pressure and the work the heart would perform better. So, if your dog is suffering from a cardiovascular disease, salt is extremely banned.

Sodium is an important element, but you have to take into consideration that it is already present in many foods. The amount naturally ingested through foods (unsalted) is sufficient and appropriate to fulfill our dogs needs.
When you cook for them, forget about the salt! Do not ever add it to pasta, rice, or as a condiment. Never.
If you have cooked the pasta and you want to use a bit for them, wash it very well to remove all traces of salt.

Do not give them leftovers from your dishes because they are seasoned and, therefore, far from being a gift .
They do not know that salt is harmful and they will look at us with pleading sweet eyes, but we know that it is also what babies do when they want to eat the whole packet of muffins, right?
Say no it is for their own good .