Tag Archives: vegan recipes

Fennel & Brans

Fennel & Brans

Here is an idea for a light and tasty meal for our vegan dogs, ours loved it!

• Fennel
• Brans
• Spelt milk
• Parsil

• Mix some brans with chopped parsil
• Chop the fennel and cook it in spelt milk.
• Let the fennel cool down and mix with brans.
• Enjoy your meal!

Tortilla Twists

Tortilla Twists

Good morning! The whether is definitely miserable so we need to put some colour on the table to cheer it up.
Here it is a tasty recipe to make our dogs and human friends smile!
Put your apron on and let’s start cooking!


    • Tortillas
    • Blacks beans
    • Courgettes
    • Carrot
    • Olive or Seeds Oil


• Cook and blend black beans in a blender. Alternatively you can use a tin of beans and blend them.
• Wash and cut the courgettes into small pieces and blend them too.
• Add a little bit of oil.
• Take a tortilla and spread the cream obtained by mixing beans and courgettes over it.
• Roll them up and place them on a non-stick pan. Warm them up both sides on a medium-high heat. This takes around 20 seconds.
• Repeat this process until you get the desired amount of tortillas for you and your furry and human friends.
• Cut the tortillas in slices and serve.
• Add some grated carrot as a fresh touch.

Tips: we used tortillas, but you can replace them with toasted bread. Regarding the stuff you can use the vegetables you have on the fridge instead of beans. Be creative!

Bean Risotto



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• Rice
• Beans
• Zucchini
• Olive or Seeds Oil

• Overcook the rice and wash it well. Add it to the beans that you have pre-cooked. We use fresh beans that we leave to soak the day before and cook for about an hour.  You can use the ones in cans, ready to be used and more practical.
• Wash and cut into pieces a couple of zucchini.
• Mix all ingredients in the pan.
• Let it cool down and serve!

Forbidden Food: Macadamia Nuts



In the group of nuts we have to keep in mind that those of macadamia are highly toxic to our dogs.

They are rarely eaten by themselves but they are a common ingredient in human cereal bars and cookies and their taste is appealing to dogs.

Symptoms of poisoning include: weakness, especially rear limbs, depression, vomiting, tremors, fever, abdominal pain, and pale mucous membranes. But even neurological problems such as temporary paralysis and inability to stand.

According to the statistics, there are many poisonings from macadamia nuts, if eaten run immediately to the Vet!

The combination, delicious for humans, of chocolate and macadamia nuts, common in cookies, makes them even more dangerous.

They are toxic even at low doses such as 4-5 nuts for a 10-kg dog. So watch out and check the ingredients in your snack. If there is presence of macadamia nuts, no exception.

Chamomile: natural benefits



Chamomile in herbal medicine is considered a medicinal plant. It can be found in sachets or rather fresh in herbal medicine.

This plant has a natural soothing and anti-inflammatory function.

If our furry friends are suffering from conjunctivitis or have watery eyes, we can use chamomile at natural temperature, neither hot nor cold.

Dip a cloth of pure cotton or gauze in chamomile and pass it gently on the eyes of dog, also use a couple of drops as eye drops.

It is a natural remedy, it does not burn, it does not have harmful effects,  it is inexpensive and it is very easy to use! Administer a couple of times a day and you will see that shortly their eyes will get better and cure.

Chamomile has a magical effect on our friend’s skin as well. If they are suffering from dermatitis, or  they have the itch as our Milka, you can give them a bath with warm chamomile .

Firstly, wash your dog with a natural soap: olive oil and oats are a fantastic combination that you can find in any herbal shop, and, finally, when the dog is already clean, a bit like a conditioner, give a final rinse with warm chamomile and pat dry with a towel.

You will help the skin to heal from irritation and regenerate. Our little Milka improved quickly with this remedy: her sore skin healed, the itching has gone and the hair become more brilliant and soft!

Like all natural remedies, effects are not immediate, but they are not toxic to the body and they really help to sort out the problem.

Raw Fruit Salad



Dear friends, here it is a simple and delicious idea for a light meal or an energy snack!


  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Mandarin
  • Cucumber


  • Cut the fruit into cubes.
  • Eliminate the apple’s seeds which contain cyanide.
  • Mix well and serve!

Suitable for a delicious and nutritious snack, this is a simple recipe, but rich in vitamins and very refreshing.

Sometimes simple things are the ones that we do not think about 🙂

German Salad




  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Green Beans
  • Some cubes of tofu


  • Clean the green beans and put them to boil.
  • Wash apple and cucumber. Cut them into thin slices.
  • When the green beans are cooked, drain and cut them into small pieces.
  • Put all together, add some cubes of tofu and a drizzle of olive oil.

Tip: Some dogs prefer the cucumber into cubes because they can eat it better. Try it and discover the taste of your furry friends! As it used in Germany, apple in the salad goes well with cucumber!

Dehydrated soybeans with Lentils




  • Dehydrated soybeans
  • Lentils
  • Carrots
  • Oats


  • Cook the lentils in a pot with a chopped carrot.
  • When the lentils are cooked and soft, add the dehydrated soybeans and stir so that the sauce of the lentils rehydrates it.
  • As soon as everything is ready, let it cool.
  • Sprinkle with oats and serve!


Tips: If you use fresh lentils, as we do, you will put them to soak the night before. If you use a more practical tin, wash them very well in order to eliminate preservatives and additives as much as possible.




This cute fruit is rich in substances that are very important for the immune system of our furry friends, such as vitamin A, C, E, iron, magnesium.

Especially in winter season, therefore, we recommend you to cook for all the family some good dishes made with pumpkin!

It is also a food that helps their digestion and intestinal transit thanks to the fiber present in the fruit. Pumpkins is a natural remedy in case of constipation or diarrhoea.

Pumpkin gets also antioxidant properties and naturally helps to keep the urinary tract clean.
You will notice, therefore, that after eating pumpkin your friends have to pee one more time.

Do not exceed, as a general rule, dosis have to be always be balanced.

You can prepare it steamed, boiled, mashed, baked, in risotto, be creative!

Important: Always remove the seeds

Forbidden Food: Chocolate


Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies_con firma

Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine that neither dogs or cats can metabolise.

This toxic component accumulates in the blood causing serious systemic effects. The symptoms of intoxication occur rapidly, in a few hours, and include vomiting, diarrhoea, hyperactivity, tachycardia, tremors, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma and death in severe cases.

So, no exception! No chocolate or any cocoa based product for our pets! We have to resist to their eyes, they do not know that it is toxic and we have a duty to protect them.

Actually, for us it is great news, so that we can keep all the chocolate for ourselves! But we tend to eat it hidden from them to avoid their begging eyes!