Tag Archives: vegan recipes for dogs

Dehydrated Chorizo Soya with Potatoes




– Soy chorizo
– Potatoes

– Cut a potato into thin slices.
– Add the potatoes to the dehydrated soy chorizo ​​and put everything in a pan with just enough water to rehydrate.
– Warm up for about 5 minutes.
– Allow it to cool and serve!

Soy is rich in protein but no fat. It is an excellent and tasty vegan food for a canine and human diet.

Tips: you can use any type of soy, plain or with various flavors.




Fennel & Brans

Fennel & Brans

Here is an idea for a light and tasty meal for our vegan dogs, ours loved it!

• Fennel
• Brans
• Spelt milk
• Parsil

• Mix some brans with chopped parsil
• Chop the fennel and cook it in spelt milk.
• Let the fennel cool down and mix with brans.
• Enjoy your meal!

Tortilla Twists

Tortilla Twists

Good morning! The whether is definitely miserable so we need to put some colour on the table to cheer it up.
Here it is a tasty recipe to make our dogs and human friends smile!
Put your apron on and let’s start cooking!


    • Tortillas
    • Blacks beans
    • Courgettes
    • Carrot
    • Olive or Seeds Oil


• Cook and blend black beans in a blender. Alternatively you can use a tin of beans and blend them.
• Wash and cut the courgettes into small pieces and blend them too.
• Add a little bit of oil.
• Take a tortilla and spread the cream obtained by mixing beans and courgettes over it.
• Roll them up and place them on a non-stick pan. Warm them up both sides on a medium-high heat. This takes around 20 seconds.
• Repeat this process until you get the desired amount of tortillas for you and your furry and human friends.
• Cut the tortillas in slices and serve.
• Add some grated carrot as a fresh touch.

Tips: we used tortillas, but you can replace them with toasted bread. Regarding the stuff you can use the vegetables you have on the fridge instead of beans. Be creative!

Forbidden Food: Grapes & Raisins


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Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs.

Although it remains a mystery what is the element causing the toxicity. Studies reveal that ingestion of small amounts of these elements can be fatal for our friends. In fact, they can cause serious kidney failures.

Unfortunately dogs are greedy and if they ingest and manifest vomiting and / or diarrhea with pieces of grapes (after 24 hours), loss of appetite, abdominal pain and kidney failure, go to the doctor immediately!

Do not give them grapes and raisins, we can not take the risk of losing our faithful companion for a grape.

Keep it in the house where they cannot reach it and, if claiming a snack, give them an apple (without its poisonous seeds).

Pumpkin Cream



Zuppa di Carote_02

Olive oil


– Cut the pumpkin in half and wipe off all the seeds.
– Cut it into chunks and put it to boil until it softens.
– When it is ready, drain and, with a spoon, take out the pulp and put it in a blender with a little bit of water.
– Blend it ’till it’s creamy.
– Let cool and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and a few basil leaves.
– You can add some toasted bread.

If, like us, you prepare it for the whole family, remember to add salt only to the dishes of humans, therefore, at the end of the process.

Potatoes and chickpeas nuggets

Potatoes and chickpeas nuggets

Hello everybody! Did you enjoy your Christmas? Here is a tasteful recipe for you and your dogs!

• Potatoes
• Chickpeas
• Flour
• Breadcrumbs
• Veg milk
• Olive oil

• Boil the potatoes until they become very soft.
• Put them in a bowl together with chickpeas and with a fork smash them. Add some olive oil and vegetal milk. Mix all the ingredients and keeping on stiring, add little by little some flour.
• When the mixture is homogeneous, shape some balls in your hands and coat them in breadcrumbs.
• Put all the croquettes in the oven and when they coating will be golden, turn the oven off and let them cool.
• Once at room temperature, serve!

The Vegan bone is Orange: The Carrot-Bone



Our furry friends need hard food to keep the teeth clean and favor, in the growth phase, the change of teeth.
An excellent bone substitute, we refer also to the vegan bones sold in pet shops or internet, is the CARROT .
It is natural, healthy, cheap, and even for them, yummy.
Cut the ends, wash it or peel it with a vegetable peeler and give it to them raw!
The first few times maybe they’ll find it hard to eat a whole. We must also take into account the size of our fluffy friend. For small size dog, half a carrot can be enough. For medium to large size dogs you can give a whole.

Like any new thing you have to get used to it.
At first they could use it as a toy too, and you will see that they will love it!


Bean Risotto



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• Rice
• Beans
• Zucchini
• Olive or Seeds Oil

• Overcook the rice and wash it well. Add it to the beans that you have pre-cooked. We use fresh beans that we leave to soak the day before and cook for about an hour.  You can use the ones in cans, ready to be used and more practical.
• Wash and cut into pieces a couple of zucchini.
• Mix all ingredients in the pan.
• Let it cool down and serve!

Forbidden and Toxic Food



A little reminder about toxic and forbidden food as well with some healthy food for our dogs. Obviously do not take in consideration meat…unfortunately the reminder was not completely vegan 😉 We should be more precise about tomatoes: they are toxic to dogs only if they are not ripe. If they are ripe they are fine for them! Furthermore mushrooms are forbidden only if you don’t know if they are edible. The one you buy in the can or at the supermarket are fine from time to time.

Aubergine & Chickpeas rolls




  • Aubergine
  • Smashed chickpeas
  • Cucumber
  • Olive Oil


  • Cut the aubergine into wide thin slices and grill them on a frying pan without oil.
  • Take some canned chickpeas or previously cooked and smash them in the mixer.
  • Take the cucumber and cut it  into sticks, which will later form the heart of the treat.
  • Take a slice of grilled aubergine and spread some smashed chickpeas all over the surface. Position in the middle the stick of cucumber. Roll it up and your roll will be ready. Repeat until all the aubergine slices are over.

Tips: for ease of rolling we have removed the skin of the aubergine, but you can safely keep it. If the roll proves to be difficult to eat because it’s too long, cut it into two or three parts. It will mean that there will be more rolls for everyone, even for you humans! Slurp!